Scenario No.2

3 minute read

No.2 : Exploring the city with Matthew (Secondary Persona)

Matthew’s Story:

Matthew is a software engineer in Tallinn. He is from the US. After graduating from his master from Tallinn Technical University, he has decided to live in Tallinn. He is an adventurer, very talkative and open-minded. He loves to go outside and explore new places. 

It was a Friday night in Tallinn. Matthew was thinking about his friend’s house party. He wasn’t sure to go the party or stay at home to relax. Although he was tired of work end of the week, he thought that it’d be better go to the party. He could leave early if he wouldn’t like the party.

Party started at 8 PM. There are lots of options for food and drinks. Matthew took his favorite drink and food: wine and cheese. Everyone was chilling and having fun.

Conversations, smiles, laughs didn’t stop all night. It was a great time for everybody. Time was getting close to midnight and of the guests gave a suggestion: Let’s go a party!

Deciding to go to the party was the easy part of the night. The problem was: which party could they go? Everybody had different suggestions about parties and clubs. They couldn’t decide where to go and it started to be bothering people. Then a friend of Matthew said to everyone that he had an app which is called “Club Trips” and there was a pop-up event which was announced an hour ago. Nobody knew that party and club so everyone agreed that it would be interesting and fun. Matthew’s friend talked about the app: it was a party finder and it offers so many underground parties and sometimes pop-up parties.Matthew’s friend read the rules of the party before they left.

Before entering the club, Matthew friend told that the app had a feature which is finding your friend. In case of being too drunk, it was a good idea to share locations with his close friends.They all launched the app and created a group whose name is “Besties”.Then, they wrote their name down.After creating the group, the app gave them a guide emoji that showed them how to use this feature.Then they were able to see everyone’s location in the group.End of the night, they used this feature to find one of them because he was lost.They decided that this feature was very useful.

After a great night and exploring city, Matthew felt that he should have used this app before. He was excited because he had lots of underground parties and club to explore!


  • Would you trust a pop-up party in an app?
  • Have you ever lost your friend in a club because of drunkness? Would finding friend feature useful for you?
  • Did the scenario wake up any thoughts?

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