Matthew’s Scenario-based Session

1 minute read

Secondary persona – Matthew

Interviewee: Emrah from Turkey

Occupation: Russian Language student

Age: 22-23

He thinks that he would trust the pop-up parties because he is bored of ordinary clubs where all parties are same.Hence he would trust and try new things.He says that if he could go with his friend, he would feel more comfortable.

Also, he always loses his friend in clubs. For example, he lost his friend Fatih in the club last night and spent 30 minutes to find his friend who was just dancing.He thinks that he would definitely find friends feature. In his opinion, the point of going club is having fun with them.If he loses your friends in the club, he would lose the atmosphere of the party and wouldn’t enjoy.If he had this app, it would be useful.

He wouldn’t go to parties alone because he feels safe when he goes party with a friend. On the other hand, he would go to parties if a friend suggests this app to use.

His trust about going pop-up parties or event parties alone depends on the city and country.It can be changeable if city or country is safe or not.

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